Essen '07 Picks

Amyitis: (Interest B) I love Caylus and Mykerinos, Ys is ok, and Yspahan is a flop. But I'm still interested in anything Ystari puts out.
Brass: (Interest A) Martin Wallace equals immediate interest.
Civitas Hamburgum: (Interest B) I love Antike, but dislike Imperial.
Die Suche nach dem Gral: (Interest B) I remember the original (Conspiracy) from college. I found the idea very cool. Will the remake have any changes?
Kingsburg: (Interest B) I've only seen the draft rules, but it sounds pretty good.
Municipium: (Interest B) Heavier Knizia equals immediate interest.
Roma II: (Interest B) The original is a good game, but degenerates too frequently. If this new version fixes the startup issues and wild card imbalances, I'm all over it.
Through the Ages: (Interest A) If the reprint has good quality, I'll buy it without even having the rules ahead of time. That's saying a lot.
Veritas: (Interest B) The description sounds cool, although the mechanisms by which you "spread your truth" are unclear.
Knowing what I like, have I missed anything interesting?
A couple more worth checking out IMO-
Thanks! Cuba looks very interesting. Patrician, I'll have to wait until a little more is available.
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